"Scientia ad Artem 3": summary and discussion
In search of the lost diagnostician
Written by Melania Di Fazio and Tiziana Pasciuto
Translated by Sarah Fortunée Tabbakh
Italian Version here
On the 8th of June 2017, the workshop “Scientia ad Artem” took place at the Auditorium of Santa Apollonia. It focused on the definition of the figure of the diagnostician for Cultural Heritage and its future.
Professor Focardi, Director of the Undergraduate Degrees L-43 and LM-11 of the University of Florence, opened the round table and brought light to the issues linked to our professional profile. Architect Francesco Scoppola sent out a significant message to the participants: the key to value our cultural heritage is a multidisciplinary approach carried out by a team consisting of, not only “the educated and the enlightened”, but of also whoever might provide the conservation field with a positive and significant contribution. Once such a balance is reached, the government should play an active role in funding technological research, because “the funds dedicated to research are not extra-costs; in the long run, it is in fact a cost-saving initiative”, says the architect.
Marisa Laurenzi Tabasso disclosed that a professional profile similar to the one of the diagnostician had already been suggested within the Ministry of Heritage, Cultural Activities and Tourism. Many specialists from other scientific sectors have in fact also “contributed to the restoration and the diagnostics”.
Nowadays, universities form a complete professional figure capable of taking over the retirees of the Ministry. This is why the MiBACT has set up a commission made up of Ms. Tabasso, Mr. A. Macchia, Mr. A. Camilli and Prof. R. Mazzeo, who are responsible for training and defining specialized professional profiles. The commission, who fully understands the contributions of the various scientific disciplines to cultural heritage, defined the skills necessary for the future diagnostician, outlining the minimum requirements for the Scientific Expert for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage (ESCBC).
Prof. Mazzeo of the University of Bologna added that, not only are graduates in Applied Sciences to Cultural Heritage interested in this figure, but so are all experts from other scientific sectors who specialize in analysis and technologies applied to cultural heritage.
Speaking of professional opportunities, the MIUR, represented by Ms. Ottaviani, consented to give access to scientific subject classes to graduates (LM-11 e 12/S). Let’s hope we see this happen soon.
Mr. Zanini, president of the Assorestauro Association, underlined, on the basis of his work experience, how important our figure is for restorers, thus aiming at a synergistic teamwork.
Mr. Ciatti of the OPD expressed his disappointment when it comes to the fact that we still question the validity of the diagnostician to date. He alluded to an episode that took place in France at the end of the 18th century, during which, for the first time, two scientists were part of the team that restored a masterpiece by Rafael.
After more than two centuries however, the possibility of having professionals from different but extremely complementary cultural backgrounds work together as a team still seems an issue.
Mr. Ciatti believes the diagnostic and prevention activities are not carried out due to the underestimation of the problems affecting artworks in a poor state of conservation.
Finally, Mr. Andrea Macchia, President of the Yococu Association, suggested aiming for a law that would foresee a preventive diagnostic for every restoration project, the same way preventive archeology activities are carried out in every archaeological and non-archaeological context.
To respond to the guests of the round table, the newly formed ANEDbc association (National Association of Experts in Diagnostics and Sciences and Technologies Applied to Cultural Heritage) intervened in favor of graduates in Science and Conservation of Cultural Heritage.
According to the representatives of the Association, in order to ensure a positive change, the system of assignments of diagnostic work by MiBACT must be reformed to allow the newly trained figures to finally have a recognized professional position.
The collaboration of ANEDbc with other trade associations (such as Assorestauro) and its growth, thanks to the constant new registrations, will allow all scientific experts for the conservation of cultural heritage to be represented at the ministry, in order to obtain the long-for-hoped goals.
The event was interesting and extremely stimulating; however, there is a chance that its outreach remains within its participants.
If the high representatives of the ministries concerned had also intervened, the problem would have been made clearer and perhaps the process of defining our figure would not yet seem so unattainable.
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