News from diagnostic world: Nasier Gel, the innovative product for the bio-cleaning of Cultural Heritage
Written by Tiziana Pasciuto
Translated by Sarah Fortunée Tabbakh
Italian Version here
If you think that finding a product that can remove organic and biological patinas from any surface (stone, paint and paper) and that is, above all, non-toxic, versatile and quick to apply, is impossible, then you are wrong! Indeed, Irene Scarpa, student at the Ca 'Foscari University of Venice, created the Nasier Gel, a nanogel for the bio-cleaning of cultural heritage and, founded Nasiertech, a start-up responsible for distributing the product.
The Nasier Gel comes from the deep synergy and interdisciplinarity between biology and nanotechnology, allowing the creation of a stable, effective and safe product, both for the surface to be treated and for the operator, given its non-toxicity. The microstructured matrices that constitute it allow the selective removal of organic and biological patinas from any type of surface.
The nanometric size of the particles augments the surface in contact with the biological patina. This involves not only the use of a very small amount of product, but also very short timescales, ranging from 3-5 minutes for cellulosic and pictorial works up to 30 - 40 minutes for stone artefacts.
The nanometric size of the particles augments the surface in contact with the biological patina. This involves not only the use of a very small amount of product, but also very short timescales, ranging from 3-5 minutes for cellulosic and pictorial works up to 30 - 40 minutes for stone artefacts.
Three variants of Nasier gel have been created, according to the surface to be treated:
- Nasier Gel 1, for the cleaning of biological patinas, such as lichens, mould, algae, cyanobacteria, etc., and of organic protein films, such as gelatines and protein glues, egg, casein.
- Nasier Gel 2, for oily, resinous and waxy patinas, with particular reference to the removal of protective and / or restorative substances, such as Paraloid B72.
- Nasier Gel 3, for cellulosic materials, such as starch, starch glue and paste.
The example of Irene Scarpa represents a good incentive for us scholars, as it invites us to never stop getting involved and experimenting new products.
Learn more at:
- Irene Scarpa presents the Nasier Gel invention:

- Ca' Foscari University:

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